Who we are

We are the Rivera Family 🙂 

We live on the central coast of California and we are a family that LOVES to travel!

My name is Danielle and I am a stay at home mom, my husband Mike is a Firefighter for the US Forest Service.  We have two daughters Jessica who is 14 years old and Emily who is 10 years old.

We love to learn about our country’s history, explore new cities, and visit beautiful beaches!

We love 5 Star hotels, but we also love camping!  Mike looks forward to swimming with dolphins someday , I LOVE to snorkel and check out colorful fish and sea turtles!  Jessica is our boogie board queen and Emily can swim from dawn to dusk….

We are thankful that we learned how to “Savvy Travel” three years ago, as it has made it possible to go on many family travel adventures that otherwise would not be in the family budget.

We are excited to share our experiences and encourage other families to get out there and explore through Savvy traveling.

Throughout this site, as you see the happy face 🙂 that indicates an extra special favorite of ours, so keep an eye out for those 🙂

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”   – Mark Twain 🙂

We encourage you to sign up for our FREE guide and learn how simple it really is to take your family on some insane family vacations!

Please share our site and free guide with your friends & family, so they can also learn how to travel for (almost) free!

It’s a BIG WORLD out there, get out and see it!

Check out all our featured trips:

To Washington D.C., Maui, Hawaii, and Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida and get inspired to travel!  Each featured trip offers examples of how to offset the cost of the trip by using travel points and miles to help cover airline and hotel costs.  We also include family tips with each trip for best restaurants, family tours, free museums, best beaches for family snorkeling, what loved about the hotels we have stayed at, and what your family should take on each trip to make and amazing family vacation!

Learn how to travel like we do!  Sign up for our FREE Savvy Travel Guide

Learn how to Savvy Travel.  You will also get access to our step by step instructions on how to savvy travel all of our featured trips!  Check it out, you will be amazed at how it will open up travel to your family 🙂

Questions??? 🙂

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